2025 All activities have been stopped
- 2021
- Batik for beginners in own studio
- Guest teacher Zijdelings, Tilburg (NL): Education Batik & Surface Design. Follow up by Zoom
- 2020
- Guest teacher at DIY Textile School Amsterdam (NL):
Batik training (6 months)
Tilburg (NL), Zijdelings, Batik & Surface Design
- 2019
- Guest teacher at DIY Textile School Amsterdam (NL):
Batik training (6 months)
Workshops in own studio
Tilburg (NL), Zijdelings, Workshop Batik and Transparancy
Short batik training in own studio
- 2018
- Workshops in own studio
Study trip to Japan
Guest teacher at DIY Textile School Amsterdam (NL): Transparancy - Magic in Batik
Workshop in studio Ria van Dijk, Zoetermeer (NL): Batik in light colours
- 2017
- Workshops in own studio
Lecture: Travel report study trip to Japan, Galerie Dewulf, Sint-Amandsberg
Guest teacher at DIY Textiel School Amsterdam (NL): Japanese Rozome
Education Foto analyse
Batik symposium Galerie Smend Cologne (D)
Education Lightroom
- 2016
- Workshops in own studio
Lecture: Festivals in Amdo, the NE of Tibet, weefkring Foudia (NL)
Demo, Galerie Etienne Dewulf, Sint-Amandsberg (B)
Symposium Batik Guild (GB)
Study trip to Japan
- 2015
- Winter workshops in own studio
Organisation Silk Festival: exhibition in Galerie Etienne Dewulf and workshops with Lydie Ottelart and Christian Sicaud
Lecture: Festivals in Amdo, the NE of Tibet, in ldc De Vlasschaard, Gent (B)
- Guest teacher at DIY Textiel School Amsterdam (NL): Batik Basics
Guest teacher at Habotai Mortsel (B): Craquelé in Batik
Autumn workshops in own studio
- 2014
- Lecture: Festivals in Amdo for the Institute for Americanistic in Antwerp (B).
Guest teacher DIY Textiel School Amsterdam (NL): 2 workshops: Transparancy in batik and Discharge.
Organisation workshop Shibori with guest teacher Karla De Ketalaere.
- Study trip to Tibet.
Lecture: Winter festivals in Tibet, ldc Wibier, Gent(B).
- 2013
- Guest teacher DIY Textiel School Amsterdam (NL)
Guest teacher 18e Festival International de Peinture sur Soie du Chambon sur Lignon (F)
- 2012
- Guest teacher Arts Textiles, Brioude (F)
Guest teacher 17e Festival International de Peinture sur Soie du Chambon sur Lignon (F)
- 2011
- Publication: LE BATIK... FASCINANT!
Study trip to SW China
Lecture: 'SW China, Guizhou Province, 10 years of evolution'
Guest teacher 16e Festival International de Peinture sur Soie du Chambon sur Lignon (F)
- 2010
- Publication:
Guest teacher 15e Festival International de Peinture sur Soie du Chambon sur Lignon (F)
- 2009
- Scottsdale (USA): guest teacher batik and lecturer about SW China
Tilburg (NL): guest lecturer European Surface Design Conference ‘Crossing Borders’
Study trip to SW China
- 2008
- Mennorode (NL): Textiel Plus, workshop batik collages with wax
Study trip to SW China
Lectures in Belgium and The Netherlands about the minorities in SW China
- 2007
- Kuala Lumpur (Maleisië): guest lecturer during the KLIB (Kuala Lumpur International Batik) Convention & Exhibition
Kansas City (USA) : SDA Conference, Batik insrtuctor
- 2006
- Organisation study trip to SW China in co-operation with Gina Corrigan (GB)
- 2005
- Boston (USA): Guest teacher World Batik Conference 2005
- 2003
- Gent (B): Coorganiser, lecturer and instructor in ‘Batik 2003… art in movement’, MIAT
Aarhus (DK): Guest lecturer and teacher, participation in the exhibition Surface Design
- 2002
- Paris and St Yrieix les Bois (Creuse) (F) : guest teacher
- 2001
- Guest lecturer during the study trip to SW China
- 2000
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia: member of the Jury in the ‘Lomba Batik Festival’
- 1999
- Madrid (E): guest teacher
Gent (B): organisation of the “International Batik Gathering ‘Now & Then’” and the exhibition ‘Wax Cracks’
- 1997
- Yogyakarta (Indonesië): guest lecturerin the Dunia Batik Conference
Anshun (provincie of Guizhou, China): Guest lecturerin the ‘International Batik Works Academic Discussion’
- From 1995
- Organisation of workshops in cooperation with international guest instructors
- 1994 and 1995
- Study trips to Indonesia
- 1986
- Hasselt (B): Instructor in the education cenre for self-empoyed people
- 1981
- Establisment of self-empoyed business
Launching TOBA dyes in Belgium
of a centre for Batik and silk paintin
- From 1978
- Teacher in Batik in private and official educaton
- 1960-1966
- Chemistry lab technician in Sidac (Gent - B) producing synthetic materials